When it came time to finally summon and bind a familiar to herself, the magician Patchouli Knowledge would only use the best of the best of resources and tomes for herself. It had taken some time to decipher the ancient text on demon summoning. However, as her preparations neared completion, she felt that the effort would be well worth it.
It was just a shame that she mistranslated a single word, one which turned a passage instructing the summoner to make the circle six FEET wide into one saying it needed to be six INCHES wide.
As familiar and summoner gazed upon each other for the first time and shook off their mutual shock, the former was already thinking about the rituals that would be required to reach her true stature. The latter needed to think of a name to grant her “little helper” to complete the binding, and one in particular seemed to stand out…
Ko= Little.
Akuma= Devil.
Story by Chaosbrain
Artwork by Danusko Campos